My mom is not a baker. She makes really good brownies, and that's about the extent of it. (We love her anyway... mostly for the brownies). So when I found out she was planning on making brownies and break and bake cookies for the family reunion, I decided to help out and make cookies (from scratch- none of that break and bake stuff for me). My mom requested peanut butter blossom cookies, and I happily complied.
I also got some yarn a while back, and I'm pretty sure I didn't put pictures up (if I did, you're getting them again). This first one is the yarn I got for my Socks for Soldiers socks. I am still waiting to start these because the needles I need are currently being used. I'm hoping to have these with me on the LONG drive to North Carolina this week. I think it would be very fitting to be working on these on my way down to Zach's military graduation.
These next two are yarn I got in an order from Alpaca Direct. There was some yarn I wanted that was cheapest from here, and of course you can't oder yarn without buying enough to get the free shipping, so I bought these. This color is called Londonberry, and I just fell in love with it.
This yarn I got because it is my mom's favorite color. She has a lot of things in this cobalt blue, and I thought she needed a nice pair of comfy hand knit socks to go with her collection. I'm hoping to do these for her birthday or Christmas (which are 4 days apart, so it really doesn't matter which).
And lastly, what would a post be without a cute picture of Elliot?